AUGUST Freebie - Screen time addiction
Devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers all have great, positive benefits for individuals‘ (students, teens, children, etc.) learning and educational growth. However, as with all new technology, there are also risks of misuse. Statistics show tweens are spending an average of 4.44 hours a day on their screens, while teens spend and average of 7.22 hours a day! This results in them missing a great part of their daily lives into more meaningful interactions and activities. Screen time addiction is a real thing and can have negative consequences. Just like any addiction, it can be hard to manage but not impossible to beat.
To help tackle the issue of screen addiction among children and teens, I’m excited to share a handy 2-page action plan worksheet. The aim is to support young people in finding a healthy balance between their online activities and more meaningful, real-world interactions, promoting better habits and overall well-being.
You can grab for free below!:

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These two pages Screen time action plan is part of the Screen time addiction Workbook that I offer. If you're interested in going more in-depth with this topic, do check out the workbook by clicking here or on the image below:
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