[September FREEBIE] Circle of control (finance) Worksheet!
Many times in life we cannot have control over things that happen around us, and this can produce feelings of anxiety, worry and stress. As such, being aware of the concept of the circle of control can be a great tool to help us identify what is and what is not in our control.
This practice can aid us in regulating out emotions and how we face and react to certain situations so that we know where we should focus our attention and where we should not invest our energy.
For this month's freebie, I created this Printable Circle of Control worksheet (finance centered) to share with you (you will find many different styles) and you can grab for free below!:

Want more tools?
This Circle of Control (finance) page is part of the Circle of Control Workbook that I offer. If you're interested in going more in-depth with this topic, do check out the workbook by clicking here or on the image below:

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