Somatic therapy is especially helpful in treating post-traumatic stress and effects from other mental health conditions. This type of therapy connects a person’s mind and body to apply psychotherapy and physical therapies during treatment. These worksheets are designed to help you through your healing journey, with information about trauma, emotions and mindset.
These worksheets includes 30 pages:
- What's somatic therapy?
- Constriction and expansion
- Regulation & self-regulation
- Co-regulation & dysregulation
- How does my body feel?
- RAIN technique
- Self-soothing with food
- Stimulating foods
- Balancing foods
- Depressing foods
...and more, for a toal of 30 pages.
**By purchasing you will be able to download 1 PDF file with 30 pages. The files are sized 8.5x11" (letter sized) and A4.**
I had this made into a spinral bound book and it's absolutely wonderful.
It's short but has so many suggestions for introspection & analysis that I will be busy for a while.